Meet the team
Jacob is a seasoned management consultant with over 10 years of experience working with industries across the Oil & Gas, Utilities, Mining, Manufacturing, and Construction sectors in the region. Specialised in strategic sourcing, supply chain optimisation, and organisation effectiveness, he has left a significant impact on the client’s bottom line, and at the same time, uplifting the organisation’s capability to sustain performance improvement.
He has hands-on experience in leading and implementing global sourcing projects that led to multi-million-dollar savings in clients’ direct spend. Most notably, through the use of advanced bid analysis and award scenario modelling, Jacob has helped a number of multinationals that operate a large fleet of automobiles to cut back their MRO spend (e.g. buses, cars, mining trucks). Key to the success of such sourcing programs was a spare parts replacement trial program to ensure that the businesses were fully onboard with the savings plan. He has led broader transformation programs that look holistically into the organisation’s operating model, organisation structure and performance management to deliver the business targets sustainably.
Beyond sourcing, Jacob has also provided solutions to optimise various parts of the supply chain, which includes inventory optimisation, warehouse management and fulfilment optimisation with the objective of reducing working capital and operating costs.
Jacob is an innovative and analytical leader and has embraced the use of technology and digital tools to enhance value creation and embed new capabilities in the client organisation. He holds a Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College, London (Honours).
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