Our Clients
Offering experience across multiple sectors with deep specialist knowledge
The ArcBlue team has worked with hundreds of private and public sector organisations
We have experience across multiple sectors, and deep industry knowledge which we can further access through our network of consultants. We are members of several panels and have formed strategic partnerships with organisations across the region in order to best serve our clients’ needs.

Industry-Specific Solutions
Interested in how we work with your sector, but not finding it in our featured list? Contact us for more information.

Australian Federal Government
ArcBlue’s Federal Government & Public Sector specialists support the Commonwealth to meet the escalating needs and expectations of the public through better practice procurement and contracting. We believe that procurement is a powerful tool Governments can utilise to not only meet community needs, but to make significant, positive change including in relation to social inclusion, equality, safety and environmental sustainability.

Australian State & Territory Governments
With ArcBlue Public Sector services, you can leverage our public sector expertise to deliver procurement outcomes for Government while ensuring the highest standards of probity are maintained. We can also supply experienced procurement resources or provide procurement capability assessments and skills uplift and training programs, targeted to public sector needs.

ArcBlue has a team of dedicated and experienced Defence procurement specialists. Offering flexible resourcing for Defence projects, they have appropriate security clearance, and a thorough understanding of Defence processes and practices. Our specialists provide complete flexibility to handle your complex procurement project needs and can offer reliable support during peak times in your contract schedule, program and general workload.​

Financial Services
Financial Services procurement functions face multiple challenges that can only be addressed by an effective operating model and appropriate capability. To compound the challenges, most financial services procurement functions have people, process and technology constraints. At ArcBlue, we have experience and the tools to deliver pragmatic solutions to elevate the function and create short-term value.

Achieving the procurement and supply needs of a healthcare organisation is a complex task. To compound these challenges, healthcare procurement and supply functions typically have capacity constraints and struggle to retain their best talent. ​We understand these issues and have the tools and experience to focus on pragmatic solutions that will bring benefit in the short-term as well as provide the foundation for long-term success.

Infrastructure & Construction
Sustainable infrastructure is essential for society to function. We help our clients rise to the challenges of delivering complex and successful infrastructure projects through project procurement support and training. Each Infrastructure project is unique in characteristics and selecting the right procurement strategy for an infrastructure project is dependent on the strategic nature of the project, size, risk profile and complexity.

International Development
ArcBlue supports International Development organisations including Multilateral Development Banks, International Financial Institutions, government aid organisations, and the recipients of development aid including developing country agencies. Our specialists have supported wide-ranging procurement reform, country and sector procurement risk assessment, project procurement planning and implementation support and procurement capacity development.

Local Government
With billions spent annually across local government in Australia & New Zealand, there is a significant opportunity to embed the foundations for procurement activity to enable councils to improve value for money, reduce administrative workload and risk, as well as improve sustainability outcomes. Councils are now recognising the importance of a structured approach to procurement development.

Energy & Natural Resources
These are testing times for commercial leaders in Energy & Natural Resources. Strong commodity demand has driven production pressures. Complex, international supply chains have been heavily disrupted. Volatility in energy prices has been difficult to navigate for buyers, let alone for producers balancing production plans with anticipated market conditions.​​

New Zealand Government
Leverage our public sector expertise to deliver procurement outcomes for New Zealand Government. ArcBlue can work with your procurement team to optimise the value delivered to Government and the broader community, through developing a social procurement initiative, designing procurement frameworks and policies, or the delivery of a savings program.

Private Equity
With ArcBlue Private Equity Procurement you can leverage globally recognised best practice procurement tools and methodologies to conduct pre-purchase procurement due diligence and identify early opportunities for accelerated returns. As experts in procurement and supply chain change management, ArcBlue will help you bring together teams from different companies, cultures and locations to drive towards a common goal.

Procurement in Higher Education has a significant opportunity to drive value, if setup in the right way for success. We understand Universities through our work with Australian Universities Procurement Network and have deep experience across the sector. Our experience gives us access to a wide range of learnings from other universities on the right operating models for procurement and category management to deliver more value through procurement.
Panel Membership
ArcBlue is a member of multiple panels across public sector in Australia and New Zealand, for general consulting services, capability development, flexible resources and technology. Please contact us to find out more about specific panel membership.