Australian State & Territory Governments

Leverage our dedicated public sector experience and ensure excellence in State Government procurement

Leverage our state government expertise to deliver procurement outcomes for Government

Whether it is developing a social procurement initiative, designing procurement frameworks and policies, or the delivery of a savings program, ArcBlue can work with your procurement team to optimise the value delivered to Government and the broader community.

Ensure the highest standards of probity are maintained

Government procurement is always subject to high levels of industry and media scrutiny. ArcBlue has the experience to provide probity advice, training and support to ensure compliance in your next procurement project.

Providing the experienced procurement resources

The on-time delivery of State Government projects requires access to the most capable procurement resources. ArcBlue can provide experienced procurement and project resources at short notice, to work within your team.

Measuring and uplifting procurement capability

ArcBlue works with State Government to measure and benchmark the capability of procurement teams and then deliver targeted training to improve skills and improve the overall capability of the team. We also deliver public sector accreditation and CIPS certification programs so that your organisation can compare against set benchmarks and gain credibility.

How we can help

Our team of experts in Australia are ready to support you to deliver more through a broad range of services.

Procurement Advisory & Change

  • We have experience in delivering procurement reviews and diagnostics, probity advice and reviews, procurement transformation programs, sourcing and savings strategies as well as advice on category management.
  • For Governance bodies, ArcBlue has significant experience in undertaking accreditation and compliance programs.

Social Procurement

  • ArcBlue has a strong record in the growing field of social and sustainable procurement.
  • From large scale Place-Based programs through to supply chain engagement and the development of frameworks and policies, ArcBlue is a recognised leader through its delivery of programs such as the GROW Program in Victoria.

Project Resourcing

  • We maintain a pool of flexible on demand project and procurement resources that can help you meet your resourcing needs to cover a short term vacancy or period of leave or to ensure that your project remains on track.

Competency Assessments

  • ArcBlue has both the experience and tools to assess and benchmark procurement capability within government procurement teams.
  • We work with your organisation to design a capability assessment project that will provide real insights into the capability and skills of your team – collectively and individually.

Spend Analytics

  • Managing spend across large organisations can be challenging. ArcBlue can assist your organisation in analysing and better understanding your spend through the use of the latest in procurement technology and our team of experienced procurement analysts.

mybuy Hub

  • The mybuy procurement hub is a collaborative procurement space that brings together all of your procurement policies, data and reporting into a single online home.
  • Utilise mybuy to create a connected, collaborative workspace between agencies or departments, and ensure a consistency of procurement services, systems, documents & tools.

Need to deliver more through procurement & contracting?

ArcBlue is one of the Asia Pacific’s largest, dedicated procurement consultancies. Our public sector experts each have experience leading public sector procurement functions, and approach their work with passion, authenticity, innovation, accountability, and collaboration.  

Find out how ArcBlue can help you

Our Specialist Team


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Diagnostic focusing on Probity & Practice

We worked with a state government infrastructure organisation to transform its procurement practices.

Aboriginal Business Engagement

We developed a range of strategies from policy changes to programming dedicated Aboriginal business events to data collection and reporting.

Procurement & probity advice for an Infrastructure procurement project

We undertook a Construction project Procurement Strategy & Probity review at the conclusion of an RFP evaluation process for a State Government agency.

Government Procurement Transformation Program

We supported a state government department to achieve better outcomes through their procurement.