Meet the team
Murray has extensive experience in general management, procurement, logistics, and supply management, including public sector experience in policy development. This includes military experience having completed his engagement with the New Zealand Defence Force as the senior New Zealand Defence Force logistician, holding the rank of Group Captain.
He has been a senior manager with teams as large as 300-plus staff and with responsibility for major budgets and diverse functions and deliverables. Through this he has demonstrated considerable capability in leading, mentoring, facilitating, and working in, cross-functional and multi-disciplined teams.
His procurement capability and knowledge has been tested and developed through setting and implementing strategic procurement direction for major organisations, and through being a member of working groups responsible for the development and management of the Government procurement reforms. These include the Government Procurement Advisory Group, Government Syndicated Contract Review Board, Government Procurement Reform – Technical Advisory Group.
He has the ability to lead change management, driving the adoption of commercial best business practices in procurement related disciplines across large organisations.
Murray is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (MCIPS).
I have had a wide and varied career in procurement related roles. Through all of this my passion for the function remains undiminished.
- New Zealand Office