Overcoming Social Procurement Challenges
August 2022
Social procurement is emerging as a key priority for government, not for profit and industry. It presents a powerful tool to not only reduce risk, but deliver positive social and local economic outcomes. There are three key challenges we see with social procurement.
The first is understanding what social procurement means to your clients and to your organization, where you should prioritize and where you should put your energy.
The second is how to go about identifying and implementing opportunities. So whether you’re procuring, bidding on or delivering a contract, you’re maximizing the social impact.
The third challenge is how to build commitment and a practical approach to social procurement into your organization. Governments across the country are rapidly adopting social procurement, but the maturity of implementation is mixed.
For government buyers, it’s critical to utilize each individual procurement process to maximize social and local economic impact within industry. Many organizations don’t know how to most effectively implement social procurement across their organizations. Industry needs an appropriate strategy and the right tools, processes, and relationships to most effectively deliver social procurement outcomes.
At ArcBlue, we can help you to understand the opportunities that social procurement presents. Whether you’re in government not for profit or industry. We can assess organizational capability, help with the tender or bid process, and facilitate relationships with stakeholders and suppliers. We can also put in place the right tools, frameworks, education, data, and reporting processes to help you effectively implement social procurement for government, not for profit and industry.
We develop strategies that help ensure your procurement processes result in sustainable and measurable outcomes. These might include the engagement of social enterprises and aboriginal businesses, maximizing the opportunity for regional supplier participation, or providing opportunities for priority job seekers.
We’ll help develop a practical strategy and approach that not only ticks the right boxes, but delivers for your organization, your stakeholders, and your community.