Development of Framework for Delivery through Broader Outcomes
In 2019, the NZ Government Procurement Rules were refreshed to include an enhanced focus on delivering public value through Broader Outcomes. Broader Outcomes are defined as the secondary benefits that are generated from procurement activity. They can be environmental, social, economic, or cultural benefits.

Framework Development: A working group of centralised key agencies was created to support the development of the Framework.
ArcBlue facilitated a number of workshops to identify the key drivers and develop an understanding of social and sustainable procurement within the group. Using examples of frameworks previously developed, ArcBlue created an iterative process of: “Workshop; Write; Review; Rework” to create a relevant, effective framework.
We used examples and lessons from other jurisdictions and engaged with key stakeholders throughout NZ Government to ensure alignment of objectives and language.
Contributions were also encouraged from the NZ Government Procurement Group (owners of the NZ Government Procurement Rules), industry partners and lead groups such as Māori; Pasifika and sustainability teams.
As part of the framework development, ArcBlue encouraged agencies to consider implementation and alignment to their own agency objectives. Through this, the practical application and information sharing was able to be defined so the framework and implementation could be streamlined and rapid once the framework was completed.
The Framework was developed through multiple working group reviews and interviews with more than 20 agencies and key stakeholder groups. Adaptions were made as key government wide developments were implemented including the setting of targets and priority outcomes.
Active projects were included in the Framework for case studies to provide relevancy and the working group was able to share the developments with their stakeholders which encouraged implementation while the Framework was in draft which ensured take up was boosted.
The collaborative style of the framework development facilitated by ArcBlue has also allowed for the working group to continue working together and sharing their knowledge and insights that has resulted in consistent language across many of the NZ government lead agencies.
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ArcBlue has thought leaders and expert practitioners in this space and have significant experience supporting organisations with a wide range of projects.
We can bring together the outcomes of stakeholder workshops and a documentation review to develop a Social & Sustainable Procurement Strategy that meets organisational requirements while delivering public value.
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