Risk Governance Management
ArcBlue was engaged in order to understand what due diligence was in place for the supply chain and how it was being applied. The project scope focused on Third-Party Risk governance management in relation to:
– Environmental, Social and Governance that GC should be monitoring across its suppliers.
– Modern Slavery and Human Rights practices across the supply chain
– Other industry practices in relation to social procurement, business integrity, privacy & data security policies, procedures and controls

ArcBlue undertook a Current State Assessment incorporating:
- a desktop review of current due diligence requirements in key documents;
- interviews with key stakeholders;
- a review of the client’s due diligence compliance obligations;
- and a determination of good practice due diligence as relevant to the client.
ArcBlue then led a Gap Analysis:
- which identified gaps in due diligence requirements and procurement;
- made recommendations for change;
- and identified an approach for effective implementation.
Key recommendations included:
- Development of a due diligence strategy and framework
- Adoption of a supply chain risk management technology to manage ongoing supply chain risk
- Establishing change management and implementation support for the framework
- Updating documents and processes to incorporate appropriate due diligence and ESG priorities
- Developing and implementing due diligence and ESG supply chain reporting framework
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