Social Procurement and Workforce Development
This Social Procurement and Workforce Development Strategy identifies and validates the priority areas of focus for job creation, skill development and business development as applied specifically for the project, and the pathways to achieving those priority objectives throughout all phases of the project. ArcBlue was engaged to develop this strategy on behalf of the client.

The following steps were conducted concurrently:
Project Governance
- Clarification of project requirements and identification of the client and ArcBlue roles, processes for project planning, monitoring and review
Legislative, Policy and Procedure Environment
- Identification of the client, NSW and Commonwealth Government Policies, Regional Planning Local Government and Social Enterprise Considerations
- Strategy objectives set
- Terms and Definitions Directory developed to ensure consistency and alignment with similar initiatives
Key Stakeholder Engagement
- Meetings conducted with key Government departments and organisations who were active in initiatives
- Information gained in these meetings on current programs, initiatives, service providers and good practices that could support this strategy e.g. NSW Dept. Industry, Dept. Employment, Prime Minister and Cabinet and Apprentices Employment Network (Group Training)
Workforce Analysis
- Catchment area defined as Greater Western Sydney (GWS) Demographic and unemployment data gathered and analysed. Main sources ABS and Dept. Employment Labour Market Information Portal
Identification of High-Priority Groups and Setting Targets
- These tasks were mainly informed by the legislative, policy procedure environment, client priorities, Dept. of Industry NSW Infrastructure Skills Legacy Program, key stakeholder engagement and the relevant GWS data.
- Draft targets were set and benchmarked against targets in similar infrastructure projects
Pathways to Deliver the Strategy
- A Directory of Service and Support Partners was developed. These are key organisations that can support construction contractors in the achievement of strategy targets.
- Sign-off was obtained from service and support partners for accuracy and use of their information
- From key stakeholder engagement recommendations were provided for:
- Establishing lead Job Network and Group Training arrangements
- Skills development and education
- The Infrastructure Skills Legacy Program
- Mentoring
- Data Collection Methodology e.g reporting dashboards Procurement and Contracting Recommendations included:
- Project Reporting Framework, Monitoring, Reporting and Review Mechanisms
- Advisory Group Participation
Strategy Sign Off
- Briefings of key client staff
The strategy was included as an information document with the project tenders. It is a valuable resource for the successful tenderer to support their achievement of project targets.
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