Workforce & Skills Development Review
This organisation is a New Zealand Crown Entity. Its key roles are being a world-class public housing landlord and partnering with the development community, Māori, local and central government, and others on urban development projects of all size.

ArcBlue previously conducted an evaluation of this organisation’s Construction Plus programme, a workforce and skills development (WSD) initiative. As part of this evaluation, ArcBlue identified other WSD initiatives across the organisation seeking similar outcomes and limited collaboration between them. In addition, several inefficiencies were found including duplication, different funding streams and models, difficulty measuring outcomes and impact, and limited resourcing. ArcBlue recommended a strategic review be conducted to create greater WSD outcomes and efficiencies and increase impact.
This WSD Review project came about due to ArcBlue’s Construction Plus evaluation findings and recommendation as well as Ministerial expectations of organisations and a need for them to align WSD with key organisational priorities. The WSD Review project also assisted them with its desire for greater organisational collaboration and ensuring its funding is utilised to maximise social returns and impact and leverage relevant resourcing and funding opportunities.
ArcBlue was engaged to undertake a review of this organisation’s WSD initiatives and prepare a recommendations paper, in consultation with key internal stakeholders, to be presented to executive leadership to consider and endorse the way forward.
ArcBlue worked collaboratively by sharing its knowledge and expertise and undertaking stakeholder engagement that brought together individuals from across the organisation that either support existing WSD programmes or have subject matter expertise. This engagement was conducted in a culturally and politically sensitive manner to allow all individuals to meaningfully contribute their perspectives. This included regular communications, an online survey, workshops, interviews with a range of individuals that either contribute to existing WSD programmes or have subject matter expertise.
ArcBlue analysed the findings from its desktop review of relevant documentation and stakeholder engagement and produced the WSD Review Report which contained recommendations and proposed next steps for the future of this organisation’s WSD initiatives.
The WSD Review Report was presented to this organisation’s leadership team along with a one-page visual summary of the Review in the organisation’s style and branding. The summary was a ‘value add’ suggested by ArcBlue to support them with its internal communications and WSD implementation.
The organisation was pleased with ArcBlue’s approach to the project and the high-quality and fit-for-purpose outcomes.
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